Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Journal- A Time When I Bonded With Nature

Once upon a time I was in Florida with my friends. It was a beautiful day on the Panama City Beach. I decided to spend that day bonding with nature. I woke up early that morning with my friend Mackenzie and we went for a morning jog on the beach. It was around 6 am and we were both very tired. We almost decided to give up on our idea of a morning jog on the beach, but we overcame our tiredness and got out of bed. When we went outside, it was a beautiful morning. The sun was rising and the temperature on the beach was perfect. The beach was very empty when we got there. Usually the beach would be very crowded, but at 6 in the morning, it was just us and the beach. Our morning run turned into more of a morning walk on the beach. We walked into the ocean just a little bit. We picked up some interesting shells that we found and continued to walk along the beach. The sun was barely rising and it was very beautiful. After our morning walk, we went to breakfast. By this time, everybody was awake and either eating breakfast or out on the beach. It was weird to think that just a couple hours earlier, Mackenzie and I were the only people on the beach. Later that day, I continued my bonding with nature. I spent most of the day on the beach and it was a very good day. I spent a lot of time swimming in the ocean with all my friends and laying on the beach. I enjoyed spending time with nature. It turned out to be a really good day and maybe even one of my favorite days of the trip.