Friday, October 14, 2011

Right and Wrong

If I could make up my own rules about right and wrong and everyone else had to follow them, let me tell you this world would be a wonderful place for all to live. I would change a lot of things about the school, obviously. One thing that I would change about Pleasant Plains High School is the rules for PACE. I think that it is wrong the way that they force us to sit there quietly and we are not allowed to talk to anyone. The whole point of Pace is too study for your classes and get homework done. For a lot of the homework that I get, I might need to ask someone for help. Also, it is very difficult for me to make Pace a constructive time, because a lot of my homework that I need to get completed is on the computer. In Pace, we are not allowed to use computers. We cannot use any technology what so ever because they think that if they let us use technology, we will waste our time on the internet or texting, which is probably true for a lot of people, but I think that having the ability to use computers during pace would be more beneficial to us than it would be distracting for the people who would waste their time. The people who would waste their time online, are probably also wasting their time without a computer so it would not make a difference how they waste their time. I think I may have drifted off topic a bit, but I like ripping on pace so I am just going to continue. I think that in theory, Pace is a good idea. But when you experience it, it is actually a waste of our time. I do not like the fact that we are trapped in that room and we have no way of getting out if we do not have a pass from the teacher that we need to meet with. I think that this rule makes it very difficult a lot of the time to get help with your homework. It makes me mad that we are not given a chance to do this because most of the time I do not know that I am going to need help on my homework until after I start it. This problem did not happen last year during homeroom.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journal 11- Aphorisms- Absence makes the heart grow stronger

"Absence makes the heart grow stronger is a popular aphorism." It first appeared in The Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Literature, 1832, in a piece by a Miss Stickland. This aphorism was originally written by the Roman poet Sextus Propetius as "Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows" It was made more contemporary by Miss Stickland in 1832. This aphorism means that when you are not with someone, you miss them and you want to be with them. When you are farther away from a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse etc, you miss them more and want to be with them. The same goes for friends. If you go on vacation and you are away from your friends or your family for a while, you miss them and you like them more than you do than would if you were with them at that time. You are more fond of someone when you are away from them for a long time. A specific example of this in my life is when I was away from home for a long time on a trip to Florida. I was away from my family for a week and I missed them. Usually, I do not get along with my family very well, but since I had not seen them for a long time, I missed them and I wanted to hang out with them instead of hanging out with my friends. Another aphorism that I like is "do not count your chickens before they hatch" This aphorism means that you should not count on something that does not happen yet. I tend to do this a lot. I always spend a lot of my money thinking that I will make up for it with my next paycheck, but I always end up not working as much as I thought I was going to. So I end up never having any money because I just spend it all. I need to be better about Not counting my chickens before they hatch.