The main conflict in the book, 'The Grapes of Wrath' is the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl is a horrible drought that occurred in the nineteen thirties. It destroyed the crops of many farmers. When the farmers could no longer rely on their crops for their income, they had to do something else in order to feed their family. This was a very desperate time for many farmers in America because most of them had families that they had to provide for and without their crops, they had no way to provide for them anymore. The choice that most farmers had to face was to either move to California to try to find a job, or stay where they were and face starvation. Most people took the obvious choice, to go to California where there were many jobs. The problem here is that since all the farmers were packing up and moving, the remaining jobs in California were quickly being filled and some farmers who were the later ones to get to California had traveled all that way just to find that they no longer had any jobs left for them. Many losses were shown for the characters of this book regarding the conflict. One loss was that many characters had lost their homes. Another was that they had lost their income and therefore had lost their ability to provide for their family. Another loss that many characters faced is the loss of their loved ones. Traveling from their homes to California was a very difficult thing to do, and many people died as a result. Many people lost members of their family and their close friends. The conflict of this book has many losses, but not many gains. One gain that came out of the conflict is that the people who traveled to California gained a lot of strength and endurance. Traveling to California and overcoming so many obstacles helped the characters gain a lot of strength. They became very tough through all of this and they gained a lot of endurance.
Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Penguin, 2002. Print.
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