Monday, August 29, 2011

journal 2

Once upon a time, there was a chipmunk named Charlie. Charlie was known around the woods as being very rude. When he would visit the houses of his friends, he did not know how to behave! One day, his friend Terry the turtle invited Charlie over to his home. Charlie walked into Terry's home without taking off his shoes. Charlie tracked mud and dirt all over Terry's brand new carpet!! Next Charlie walked to the kitchen. He looked through Terry's refrigerator and ate all of his food! Charlie wanted to watch tv now. He went into the family room and plopped down on the couch. He put his feet, shoes and all, up on the coffee table. Terry's coffee table was all dirty from the mud on Charlie's shoes. By the time Charlie left Terry's home, it was a mess. Terry said that he would never invite Charlie over again after that day. Word of Charlie's behavior spread across the woods very quickly. It was all everyone spoke about. One day, Charlie's mother was in the hair salon getting a new hair do. She was talking with her friend Sandy the squirrel. They were gossiping about all the animals living in the woods when Sandy mentioned that she had heard some news about Charlie. Sandy told Charlie's mother all about Charlie's behavior and what she had heard of Charlie's visit to Terry's house. Charlie's mother was very embarassed of Charlie's behavior. She made Charlie come home right away. She decided that it was time for her to teach Charlie some manners. She taught Charlie all the basic hospitality rules and manners. She taught Charlie that when some one invites you into their home, you have to be respectful of their home and not make a mess of their stuff. She taught him that when you walk into somebody's house, you should take off your shoes so that you do not track mud onto their carpet and you should ask before you get something to eat. She also told him that you should be respectful of their things and not just make yourself right at home by putting your feet up on the coffee table. Charlie apologized to his friend Terry and never made those mistakes again.

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