Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is today's American Dream?

I think that Today's American Dream is to have a lot of money without a lot of work. Obviously, the American Dream is a lot different for different people, but in general, a lot of people want money. To some people money is more important than it is for others, but everyone wants money. The American Dream could mean different things for different people, like some people might want money, while others might want family or power. My version of the American Dream is to have a family, a job that I enjoy doing, and just being a happy person in general. I think that the American dream differs for many people. Some people might want to work hard and make a lot of money while others just want to get rich quick. I think that the overall concept of the American Dream is to have success. Success is defined by as the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. I think that this could mean a lot of different things. Success is a very general term and a lot of people have different successes. A persons definition of success is dependent on their age, and where they are at in life. Being in high school, my definition of success for me would be to get good grades in school and still having time for my friends, family and my job. It is very hard for me to balance all of these things successfully, but I try. My parents definition for success is much different than mine, because they are not in school and they have different priorities than I do. Their definition for success might be having a good family, spouse and a job. Being successful for them would be being able to supply my sisters and I with a roof over our heads, food to eat, clothes to wear and other nessecities. Successful for them would be having a stable job and being happy. I think that the American Dream depends on the person and it is different for everyone, but mostly the american dream is to be successful.

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