Monday, November 28, 2011

Benjamin Franklin's Apprentice

I think that being Benjamin Franklin's apprentice would be a very interesting job. Benjamin Franklin was obviously very smart and he came up with a lot of good ideas, and so I think that it would be pretty cool to be his apprentice. I would probably wake up early in the morning, because I would not want to waste any time. Then, I would shower and clean my room, because cleanliness was very important to Mr. Franklin. After that I would eat breakfast with Mr. Franklin and discuss sciency, rational type things. We would not eat too much food or more than we need because we would want to be practicing his first virtue, temperance, meaning we would not want to eat ourselves to dullness. While we are having our morning conversation over breakfast, we would have to be careful not to speak trifling conversation, because according to his second virtue, silence, we would not want to speak of anything that would not benefit ourselves or others. During breakfast, if one of us were to spill our drink, or drop a utensil on the floor or something, we would not freak out or get upset because as Franklin said in his eleventh virtue, tranquility, we would not want to become upset or disturbed at trifles or accidents common and unavoidable. We would be careful while we are eating that we do not waste any food because Franklin was all about frugality and not wasting anything as his fifth virtue would suggest. For the rest of the day we would do whatever experiment or activity that Franklin wanted to do. It would probably include a lot of logical and rational things but I am sure that it would all be very interesting. I think Franklin would be a really cool guy to work with because his virtues make him a good person in my opinion. He seems like a pretty chill guy who does not sweat the small stuff and I would enjoy being his apprentice.

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