Scary stories and scary movies use many common techniques to make them scary. In most scary stories, there is some kind of supernatural thing that is evil. Usually it is a ghost or a demon or some super human who is evil. This is a common theme in a lot of the scary movies that I have seen lately, such as all of the Paranormal Activity movies. I think that scary movies and stories include these scary characters because a lot of people find these types of things scary. They are scary because they are mysterious and they are powerful. I think that people are afraid of them because they are stronger than us. Another technique commonly used in scary stories and scary movies is suspense. Using suspense in scary stories keeps them people on the edge of their seats. Suspense makes stories and movies more scary because it can be used to make people jump. Like when you know that the bad guy is hiding in the closet, but the character in the movie does not know it. So as they slowly walk by the closet door, BAM! The bad guy comes out and gets him. It is suspenseful because you know what is going to happen, but you are hoping that it will not actually happen. Scary stories and movies can be pretty predictable, but what makes a scary story really scary is a twist ending. They make the story scarier because what you expect to happen, does not happen. This is another thing that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. I love a movie that has a twist ending because you never know what is going to happen next. Mystery is another common characteristic of a scary movie or story because things that are mysterious are naturally a little scary for humans. Humans like to be in control of things; and if something is mysterious, then it is scary because we do not know how to react to it. All of these things combined is what makes a story or movie really scary.
I used the word scary way too much.. my bad.