Monday, April 2, 2012

Journal 27

A lot of Emily Dickinson’s poems can be sung to the tune of the song “Amazing Grace”. They can also be sung to the tune of a lot of other folk songs and old songs that were sang back in her time. I think that the reason that her poems can be sung to these songs is that they were familiar to her and she liked to write her poems to the tune of songs that she knew. I think that the reason that many of them can be sung to “Amazing Grace” specifically is that “Amazing Grace” is a hymnal and was very popular during her time. Emily Dickinson was religious so she probably knew this song very well. Her whole family attended the Congregational Church. Emily Dickinson was not a very social person and she did not go out in public very much. A lot of people thought that Emily Dickinson was weird because she did not like to go out in public much and she preferred to stay inside and be alone. I think that Emily Dickinson liked to make her poems go to the tune of “Amazing Grace” because it was her way of making sure that other people could relate to her poetry. By making her poems go to the tune of these songs, other people would be able to kind of relate to them and maybe even understand them more. Another possible reason that Emily Dickinson chose to write a lot of her poems to the tune of this song was that she was probably inspired by it. “Amazing Grace” is a very inspirational song, and it probably had an impact on her life. She probably felt that it was very deep and maybe it even inspired her to write some of her poems. The song “Amazing Grace” is very emotional and she probably felt that she wanted to write poetry that was as emotional and inspiring as that song. 

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