Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The journal for today is kind of a complicated topic to write about. The topic is to write about what you think that your transcendental Self is. There are three parts to your transcendental Self. The three parts of your transcendental Self are your Soul, which is your spiritual self; your Self, which is your personality and how you see yourself; and then there is your Real Self, which is how everyone else perceives you. When you think about it this way, it is a lot easier to understand how you can write about your Self.
I think that my spiritual self, personality, and the way that other people perceive me are all very different, but at the same time, they are kind of the same. It is kind of weird to try to think about and define my spiritual self, because I do not think that I am a very spiritual person. The only way that I can really define my spiritual self is that I am a Christian. I go to church sometimes, but not all the time. I am not the most religious or spiritual person ever.
My Self, or personality, and my Real Self, or the way that everyone else perceives me, are very different from each other, but sometimes they are the same. My personality or self, which is the way that I percieve myself is that I am easy to get a long with and I am a pretty calm person. I think that pretty much everyone else probably thinks the same thing about me so I think that my real self and my self are kind of the same thing. Some people may perceive me differently than others because my personality changes depending on who I am with. When I am with people that I am more comfortable with, I am more outgoing and talkative than when I am with people that I do not know very well. I see my self as the more outgoing person, but some may see me as the shy person. It all depends on who you ask I guess.

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