Thursday, May 3, 2012

Job Shadowing

For job shadowing yesterday, I shadowed two different dieticians at Memorial Hospital. I am interested in nutrition and helping people with their diets so it was interesting to see what being a dietician in a hospital was like, but I do not think that after seeing their jobs, dietician is the right job for me. The first dietician that I shadowed working in the ICU and helped patients who had trauma and very bad injuries. Some of the patients in that unit had been through car accidents, been burnt very badly, and one man had fallen off of the top of a ladder. The dietician in this unit helped these patients by figuring out what kind of diets their body would require so that it could heal. Mostly they just had to add a lot of protein to their diets so that any broken bones could heal and it also helped them get stronger and wounds heal faster. That dietician mostly just walked around the unit, talked to patients and informed them on what kind of food and nutrients their bodies needed to heal. The other dietician that I shadowed worked in the oncology unit of the hospital and sometimes with dialysis patients. Her job was mostly to make sure that patients were eating while they were in the hospital because usually these patients lose their appetites. She said that she was not strict on their diets, she just had to make sure that they were eating. I learned a lot by job shadowing and I thought that their jobs were very interesting, but it was not what I imagined that it would be and I do not think that it is something that I would want as a career. These two dieticians did more in patient work and I think that I would enjoy out patient work more. Job shadowing really helped me to realize what I really want to do in the future.  

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